Sublime Text Definition

broken image

Sublime Text is a versatile editor for programmers, but you don't need to be one in order to use it, and you don't need to configure it extensively to be productive—it's an efficient tool out of the box. Hackers, however, will appreciate all the customization and extensibility opportunities. Sublime In common use, sublime is an adjective meaning 'awe-inspiringly grand, excellent, or impressive,' like the best chocolate fudge sundae you've ever had. You might describe a spine-tingling piece of music as 'a work of sublime beauty.' A punk-reggae California oriented band, with an unbelievable amount of talent. ‘The country boasts a sublime natural beauty, with the Red River Delta in the north, the Mekong Delta in the south and a patchwork coastal strip of brilliant green rice paddies.' ‘This is an unashamedly bombastic work but one cannot help being moved by the grandeur and sublime beauty of the piece.'. Sublime meaning: 1. Extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable: 2. Something that is sublime:.

This package for Sublime Text 2 makes creating and editing Rainmeterskins even more fun!

Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting is turned on by default for files with the .ini and .incextensions. It works best with the included color schemes, although othercolor schemes might work, too. See Selecting Your ColorScheme for instructions on how to change the colorscheme.

If a certain file type doesn't open with Rainmeter highlighting even thoughyou want it to, select View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as.. >Rainmeter.

Code Completion

Code completion is activated by default. While typing, it will suggestcompletions from a list of options, values, built-in variables and more. Whenauto-completing a bang, the required and optional (in braces) parameters arealso added, and you can cycle through them by pressing tab or shift+tab.

Additionally, code snippets for common usages of each meter and measure type,and all native plugins are included. The names of those snippets start with a't' for 'template', so if you want to insert a basic template for a stringmeter, type tstring and hit enter, if you want to insert a metadata block,type tmetadata. There is also a snippet with a basic structure of a skinfile called tskin.

You can see all available snippets by looking in the Snippets folder in theRainmeter package directory. If you feel that one of those snippets needs tobe changed in order to be more useful, don't hesitate to contact me.

Code Folding

Sublime Text 2 supports folding indented code sections. The commandrainmeter_indent that is included in this package automatically indents allselected lines (or the whole file, if nothing is selected) so code folding ispossible in a sensible way. Hit ctrl+alt+i to activate it. All options in asection are indented and can be folded away. Additionally, inserting a commentline starting with a double semicolon: ;; will indent everything after it soit can be folded until the next ;; that you indented by the same amount.This is useful if you want to fold a specific section of code, like allmeasures or meters. If you want to add a nice looking header for your foldablesections, try typing divider and hitting enter.

Color Picker

Ever wanted to quickly adjust the color of a meter but found yourself unableto imagine what a rgb color will look like in your head? No more! I haveadapted the awesome Color Picker Plugin created by weslly to work withrainmeter-style hex-color definitions. Place your mouse cursor in ahexadecimal color definition, or select it and hit ctrl+shift+c. This willopen a color picker dialog and let you choose a color. If your cursor iscurrently not in a color definition, the hex code will be inserted at thecursor position. You can't adjust the alpha value, but it will be preservedafter you chose the new color.

New Skin

The Rainmeter section of the 'Tools' menu contains a handy command forcreating a new skin. It will prompt you for a name for the new skin, and thenperform the following operations:

  1. Create a new folder with the name you just entered in your Skins folder
  2. Create the @Resources folder, and the folders Fonts, Images and Scripts inside it
  3. Create a new ini file with the same name as the folder, open it and insert a basic skin skeleton
  4. Refresh Rainmeter so it recognizes the new skin

Tip: If you want to create a new skin that isn't located directly in theskins folder, you can enter the path to the new folder you want to create(relative to the skins folder). In this case, the path and all subfolders willbe created and the ini file will get the name of the last folder. For example,if you want to create a new skin called 'Twitter' in Enigma/Sidebar/Reader,enter Enigma/Sidebar/Reader/Twitter as the skin's name. The @Resourcesfolder and its subdirectories will only be created if there is no @Resourcesfolder yet.

If you just want to create a new ini file, try the 'New Skin File' command. Itwill just open a new buffer and insert the skin skeleton. The same skeleton isalso available as a snippet called tskin.

Refresh Skin/Rainmeter

You can refresh the current skin by hitting f7 or ctrl+b. The same commandis also available via the 'Tools' menu or the command palette. If the skin isnot currently loaded, it will be activated. If you don't want this, you canset the 'rainmeter_refresh_and_activate' setting to false in your Usersettings (see Configuration for more info).

If you want to refresh Rainmeter itself, hit ctrl+shift+b or select 'Tools >Rainmeter > Refresh Rainmeter'.

Open Skins Folder

You can open your skins folder by selecting 'Tools > Rainmeter > Open SkinsFolder..' or running the 'Rainmeter: Open Skins Folder' command from thecommand palette.

Open Paths in Rainmeter Files

Ever wanted to open that include file and cursed because you had to navigateto it in the Widows Explorer before you can open it? Try placing your caret onthe line and select 'Open Selected Paths..' from the context menu, or hitctrl+alt+o.

This command lets you open paths to text files in Sublime, folder paths in theWindows Explorer, other files in their default application and URLs in yourbrowser. It will expand some Rainmeter built-in variables and Windowsenvironment variables and try a number of cases, one after the other, to openwhat you have selected: Gimp high sierra.

  1. If you have selected a portion of text, it will try to open exactly that portion
  2. If your selection is inside a quoted string, it will try to expand the selection to the enclosing quotes and open that portion
  3. If your selection is enclosed by spaces, it will try to open the text between those spaces
  4. If the line is a 'key=value' line it will try to open everything after the '='
  5. If all else fails, it will try to open the whole line (after removing any leading semicolons)

You can select nothing and only place the caret somewhere into the line, inwhich case only 2.-5. are relevant. If you have selected multiple lines, theyare all treated separately (letting you open multiple include files at once).

The following variables are expanded before trying to open anything:

  • #@#
  • Windows environment variables (enclosed in '%')

If you want to include or exclude certain file extensions from being openedwith Sublime instead of the system default, see the default settings file forinstructions.

With Package Control (recommended)

The easiest way to install is via Package Control. If you don't have itinstalled yet, I highly recommend it. Package Control will manage yourpackages and update them automatically.

If you have Package Control installed, open the command palette(ctrl+shift+p) and run the 'Package Control: Install Package' command. Typein 'Rainmeter' and hit enter. The package will now be installed and kept up-to-date automatically.

Using Git

Browse to your Sublime Text 2 Package folder (C:Users[YourUsername]AppDataRoamingSublime Text 2Packages on Windows). Thenclone the package there using git:

Don't forget to update regularly by running

in the Rainmeter package directory.

Manual Installation

  • Download the latest version from the release page and unzip it.
  • Drop the .sublime-package file into your Installed Packages folder(C:Users[Your Username]AppDataRoamingSublime Text 2Installed Packages on Windows)

You can configure the behavior of the package by editing the user settingsfile (Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - User). See'Settings - Default' for all available settings and their description as wellas how a settings file should look. If you want to change one of thosesettings, copy it to your user settings file and change the value. It is bestto only copy those settings into your user settings file that you actuallywant to change, since they will override the default ones. The settings filemust have an opening curly brace at the top, and a closing one at the bottom.Also, all settings except the last one must be terminated with a comma orSublime will throw error dialogs at you.

Setting Your Rainmeter Path

If your Rainmeter is not installed in C:Program FilesRainmeter youshould change the 'rainmeter_path' setting to the path where you installedRainmeter. You can check if you set it correctly by selecting 'RefreshRainmeter' from the 'Rainmeter' section in the 'Tools' menu and seeing ifRainmeter is actually refreshed.

Setting Your Skins Path

Only set the 'rainmeter_skins_path' setting if 'Tools > Rainmeter > OpenSkins Folder..' does not correctly open your skins folder. The package willtry to detect your skins folder automatically (including changes to 'SkinPath'in Rainmeter.ini) so it's recommended not to set this setting if everythingis working fine.

Selecting Your Color Scheme

There are several built-in color schemes you can choose from. If you don'twant to use the default color scheme 'Monokai (Rainmeter)', you can select acustom one by setting the 'color_scheme' setting in your user settings file.

The following color schemes are currently included in the package:

  • Lachgummi Joghurt.tmTheme
  • Monokai (Rainmeter).tmTheme
  • Nexus (Rainmeter).tmTheme
  • RainLexer.tmTheme
  • Rainmeter (Light).tmTheme

Using other color schemes that are not optimized for Rainmeter is possible,but will probably yield sub-optimal results.

Customizing Your Key Bindings

If you don't like the key bindings the package provides by default you candefine your own. Look at 'Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > KeyBindings - Default' to see how the key bindings are defined. You can add yourown by editing 'Preferences > Key Bindings - User'.


The syntax definition tries to capture all common language constructsproperly. It might fail in some cases, where something is highlighted eventhough it's not supposed to be. One prominent example is that every numberthat has exactly 6 or 8 digits is being highlighted like a hexadecimal colordefinition. I chose this explicitly because I think identifying the differentparts in a color definition is more important than some incorrectly colorednumbers. In most other cases, wrong highlighting is due to the inherentambiguity in Rainmeter syntax. If you encounter one of those cases, don'thesitate to contact me, especially if you think you know how to fix it.

Hints for Color Scheme Designers

You can see all the different classes the syntax defines by looking intoRainmeter.JSON-tmLanguage. Perhaps even easier is copying the rainmeter-specific part from one of the included color schemes (it's pretty much at thetop, and it's commented). All the classes with a short description what theymean are included there.


Used Commands

  • rainmeter_color_pick
  • rainmeter_indent
  • rainmeter_new_skin
  • rainmeter_new_skin_file
  • rainmeter_open_paths
  • rainmeter_open_skins_folder
  • rainmeter_refresh_config
  • rainmeter_refresh_current_skin

Used Command Palette Commands

  • Rainmeter: Indent for Code Folding
  • Rainmeter: New Skin
  • Rainmeter: New Skin File
  • Rainmeter: Open Selected Paths
  • Rainmeter: Open Skins Folder
  • Rainmeter: Pick Color
  • Rainmeter: Refresh Current Skin
  • Rainmeter: Refresh Rainmeter

Used Key Bindings


  • ctrl+shift+c (pick color)

In Rainmeter Source Files

  • ctrl+alt+i (indent for code folding)
  • ctrl+alt+o (open selected paths)
  • enter (only in comments: continue comment on next line)

Used Menu Entries

Main Menu

  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - Default
  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - User
  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Key Bindings - Default
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Indent for Code Folding
  • Tools > Rainmeter > New Skin File..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > New Skin..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Open Skins Folder..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Refresh Current Skin
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Refresh Rainmeter

Context Menu

  • Open Selected Paths.. (In Rainmeter Files)
  • Color Picker plugin by weslly, which I tweaked to work with Rainmeter
  • RainLexer by poiru, which is another awesome tool for developing Rainmeter skins, for the inspiration and one of the color schemes.
  • Monokai Color Scheme by Wimer Hazenberg, for providing such an amazing composition of colors.
  • Kaelri for contributing the 'Nexus' color scheme.
  • The Rainmeter Community, for being awesome and testing this package.

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


a. Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth.
  1. Create a new folder with the name you just entered in your Skins folder
  2. Create the @Resources folder, and the folders Fonts, Images and Scripts inside it
  3. Create a new ini file with the same name as the folder, open it and insert a basic skin skeleton
  4. Refresh Rainmeter so it recognizes the new skin

Tip: If you want to create a new skin that isn't located directly in theskins folder, you can enter the path to the new folder you want to create(relative to the skins folder). In this case, the path and all subfolders willbe created and the ini file will get the name of the last folder. For example,if you want to create a new skin called 'Twitter' in Enigma/Sidebar/Reader,enter Enigma/Sidebar/Reader/Twitter as the skin's name. The @Resourcesfolder and its subdirectories will only be created if there is no @Resourcesfolder yet.

If you just want to create a new ini file, try the 'New Skin File' command. Itwill just open a new buffer and insert the skin skeleton. The same skeleton isalso available as a snippet called tskin.

Refresh Skin/Rainmeter

You can refresh the current skin by hitting f7 or ctrl+b. The same commandis also available via the 'Tools' menu or the command palette. If the skin isnot currently loaded, it will be activated. If you don't want this, you canset the 'rainmeter_refresh_and_activate' setting to false in your Usersettings (see Configuration for more info).

If you want to refresh Rainmeter itself, hit ctrl+shift+b or select 'Tools >Rainmeter > Refresh Rainmeter'.

Open Skins Folder

You can open your skins folder by selecting 'Tools > Rainmeter > Open SkinsFolder..' or running the 'Rainmeter: Open Skins Folder' command from thecommand palette.

Open Paths in Rainmeter Files

Ever wanted to open that include file and cursed because you had to navigateto it in the Widows Explorer before you can open it? Try placing your caret onthe line and select 'Open Selected Paths..' from the context menu, or hitctrl+alt+o.

This command lets you open paths to text files in Sublime, folder paths in theWindows Explorer, other files in their default application and URLs in yourbrowser. It will expand some Rainmeter built-in variables and Windowsenvironment variables and try a number of cases, one after the other, to openwhat you have selected: Gimp high sierra.

  1. If you have selected a portion of text, it will try to open exactly that portion
  2. If your selection is inside a quoted string, it will try to expand the selection to the enclosing quotes and open that portion
  3. If your selection is enclosed by spaces, it will try to open the text between those spaces
  4. If the line is a 'key=value' line it will try to open everything after the '='
  5. If all else fails, it will try to open the whole line (after removing any leading semicolons)

You can select nothing and only place the caret somewhere into the line, inwhich case only 2.-5. are relevant. If you have selected multiple lines, theyare all treated separately (letting you open multiple include files at once).

The following variables are expanded before trying to open anything:

  • #@#
  • Windows environment variables (enclosed in '%')

If you want to include or exclude certain file extensions from being openedwith Sublime instead of the system default, see the default settings file forinstructions.

With Package Control (recommended)

The easiest way to install is via Package Control. If you don't have itinstalled yet, I highly recommend it. Package Control will manage yourpackages and update them automatically.

If you have Package Control installed, open the command palette(ctrl+shift+p) and run the 'Package Control: Install Package' command. Typein 'Rainmeter' and hit enter. The package will now be installed and kept up-to-date automatically.

Using Git

Browse to your Sublime Text 2 Package folder (C:Users[YourUsername]AppDataRoamingSublime Text 2Packages on Windows). Thenclone the package there using git:

Don't forget to update regularly by running

in the Rainmeter package directory.

Manual Installation

  • Download the latest version from the release page and unzip it.
  • Drop the .sublime-package file into your Installed Packages folder(C:Users[Your Username]AppDataRoamingSublime Text 2Installed Packages on Windows)

You can configure the behavior of the package by editing the user settingsfile (Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - User). See'Settings - Default' for all available settings and their description as wellas how a settings file should look. If you want to change one of thosesettings, copy it to your user settings file and change the value. It is bestto only copy those settings into your user settings file that you actuallywant to change, since they will override the default ones. The settings filemust have an opening curly brace at the top, and a closing one at the bottom.Also, all settings except the last one must be terminated with a comma orSublime will throw error dialogs at you.

Setting Your Rainmeter Path

If your Rainmeter is not installed in C:Program FilesRainmeter youshould change the 'rainmeter_path' setting to the path where you installedRainmeter. You can check if you set it correctly by selecting 'RefreshRainmeter' from the 'Rainmeter' section in the 'Tools' menu and seeing ifRainmeter is actually refreshed.

Setting Your Skins Path

Only set the 'rainmeter_skins_path' setting if 'Tools > Rainmeter > OpenSkins Folder..' does not correctly open your skins folder. The package willtry to detect your skins folder automatically (including changes to 'SkinPath'in Rainmeter.ini) so it's recommended not to set this setting if everythingis working fine.

Selecting Your Color Scheme

There are several built-in color schemes you can choose from. If you don'twant to use the default color scheme 'Monokai (Rainmeter)', you can select acustom one by setting the 'color_scheme' setting in your user settings file.

The following color schemes are currently included in the package:

  • Lachgummi Joghurt.tmTheme
  • Monokai (Rainmeter).tmTheme
  • Nexus (Rainmeter).tmTheme
  • RainLexer.tmTheme
  • Rainmeter (Light).tmTheme

Using other color schemes that are not optimized for Rainmeter is possible,but will probably yield sub-optimal results.

Customizing Your Key Bindings

If you don't like the key bindings the package provides by default you candefine your own. Look at 'Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > KeyBindings - Default' to see how the key bindings are defined. You can add yourown by editing 'Preferences > Key Bindings - User'.


The syntax definition tries to capture all common language constructsproperly. It might fail in some cases, where something is highlighted eventhough it's not supposed to be. One prominent example is that every numberthat has exactly 6 or 8 digits is being highlighted like a hexadecimal colordefinition. I chose this explicitly because I think identifying the differentparts in a color definition is more important than some incorrectly colorednumbers. In most other cases, wrong highlighting is due to the inherentambiguity in Rainmeter syntax. If you encounter one of those cases, don'thesitate to contact me, especially if you think you know how to fix it.

Hints for Color Scheme Designers

You can see all the different classes the syntax defines by looking intoRainmeter.JSON-tmLanguage. Perhaps even easier is copying the rainmeter-specific part from one of the included color schemes (it's pretty much at thetop, and it's commented). All the classes with a short description what theymean are included there.


Used Commands

  • rainmeter_color_pick
  • rainmeter_indent
  • rainmeter_new_skin
  • rainmeter_new_skin_file
  • rainmeter_open_paths
  • rainmeter_open_skins_folder
  • rainmeter_refresh_config
  • rainmeter_refresh_current_skin

Used Command Palette Commands

  • Rainmeter: Indent for Code Folding
  • Rainmeter: New Skin
  • Rainmeter: New Skin File
  • Rainmeter: Open Selected Paths
  • Rainmeter: Open Skins Folder
  • Rainmeter: Pick Color
  • Rainmeter: Refresh Current Skin
  • Rainmeter: Refresh Rainmeter

Used Key Bindings


  • ctrl+shift+c (pick color)

In Rainmeter Source Files

  • ctrl+alt+i (indent for code folding)
  • ctrl+alt+o (open selected paths)
  • enter (only in comments: continue comment on next line)

Used Menu Entries

Main Menu

  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - Default
  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - User
  • Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Key Bindings - Default
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Indent for Code Folding
  • Tools > Rainmeter > New Skin File..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > New Skin..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Open Skins Folder..
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Refresh Current Skin
  • Tools > Rainmeter > Refresh Rainmeter

Context Menu

  • Open Selected Paths.. (In Rainmeter Files)
  • Color Picker plugin by weslly, which I tweaked to work with Rainmeter
  • RainLexer by poiru, which is another awesome tool for developing Rainmeter skins, for the inspiration and one of the color schemes.
  • Monokai Color Scheme by Wimer Hazenberg, for providing such an amazing composition of colors.
  • Kaelri for contributing the 'Nexus' color scheme.
  • The Rainmeter Community, for being awesome and testing this package.

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.


a. Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth.
3. Inspiring awe; impressive.
5. Archaic Of lofty appearance or bearing; haughty: 'not terrible, / That I should fear .. / But solemn and sublime'(John Milton).
2. An ultimate example.
2. Chemistry To cause to sublimate.
[French, from Old French, sublimated, from Latin sublīmis, uplifted.]
sub·lime′ness, sub·lim′i·ty(sə-blĭm′ĭ-tē) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(səˈblaɪm) adj
1. of high moral, aesthetic, intellectual, or spiritual value; noble; exalted
2. inspiring deep veneration, awe, or uplifting emotion because of its beauty, nobility, grandeur, or immensity
4. poetic of proud bearing or aspect
7. the ultimate degree or perfect example: the sublime of folly.
9. (Chemistry) to change or cause to change directly from a solid to a vapour or gas without first melting: to sublime iodine; many mercury salts sublime when heated.
10. (Chemistry) to undergo or cause to undergo this process followed by a reverse change directly from a vapour to a solid: to sublime iodine onto glass.
[C14: from Latin sublīmis lofty, perhaps from sub- up to + līmen lintel]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


adj., n., v. -limed, -lim•ing.adj.
1. elevated or lofty in thought, language, etc.
2. impressing the mind with a sense of grandeur or power; inspiring awe, veneration, etc.
n. 4. the sublime,
b. the quality of sublimity.
5. to make higher, nobler, or purer.
a. to convert (a solid substance) by heat into a vapor, which on cooling condenses again to solid form, without apparent liquefaction.
7. to volatilize from the solid state to a gas, and then condense again as a solid without passing through the liquid state.
[1350–1400; (n., adj.) < Latin sublīmis high =sub-sub- + an element of uncertain orig., variously identified with līmis, līmus oblique, or līmen lintel, threshold; (v.) Middle English < Old French sublimer < Latin sublimāre to raise, derivative of sublimis]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: sublimed
Gerund: subliming
I sublime
you sublime
he/she/it sublimes
we sublime
you sublime
they sublime
I sublimed
you sublimed
he/she/it sublimed
we sublimed
you sublimed
they sublimed
Present Continuous
I am subliming
you are subliming
he/she/it is subliming
we are subliming
you are subliming
they are subliming
Present Perfect
I have sublimed
you have sublimed
he/she/it has sublimed
we have sublimed
you have sublimed
they have sublimed
Past Continuous
I was subliming
you were subliming
he/she/it was subliming
we were subliming
you were subliming
they were subliming
Past Perfect
I had sublimed
you had sublimed
he/she/it had sublimed
we had sublimed
you had sublimed
they had sublimed
I will sublime
you will sublime
he/she/it will sublime
we will sublime
you will sublime
they will sublime
Future Perfect
I will have sublimed
you will have sublimed
he/she/it will have sublimed
we will have sublimed
you will have sublimed
they will have sublimed
Future Continuous
I will be subliming
you will be subliming
he/she/it will be subliming
we will be subliming
you will be subliming
they will be subliming
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been subliming
you have been subliming
he/she/it has been subliming
we have been subliming
you have been subliming
they have been subliming
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been subliming
you will have been subliming
he/she/it will have been subliming
we will have been subliming
you will have been subliming
they will have been subliming
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been subliming
you had been subliming
he/she/it had been subliming
we had been subliming
you had been subliming
they had been subliming
I would sublime
you would sublime
he/she/it would sublime
we would sublime
you would sublime
they would sublime
Past Conditional
I would have sublimed
you would have sublimed
he/she/it would have sublimed
we would have sublimed
you would have sublimed
they would have sublimed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Verb1.sublime - vaporize and then condense right back again
change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; 'She changed completely as she grew older'; 'The weather changed last night'
2.sublime - change or cause to change directly from a solid into a vapor without first melting; 'sublime iodine'; 'some salts sublime when heated'
aerify, gasify, vaporize, vaporise - turn into gas; 'The substance gasified'
Adj.1.sublime - inspiring awe; 'well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity'- M.S.Dworkin; 'empyrean aplomb'- Hamilton Basso; 'the sublime beauty of the night'
glorious - having or deserving or conferring glory; 'a long and glorious career'; 'our glorious literature'
2.sublime - worthy of adoration or reverence
sacred - concerned with religion or religious purposes; 'sacred texts'; 'sacred rites'; 'sacred music'
3.sublime - lifted up or set high; 'their hearts were jocund and sublime'- Milton
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
elated - exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; 'the elated winner'; 'felt elated and excited'
4.sublime - of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; 'an exalted ideal'; 'argue in terms of high-flown ideals'- Oliver Franks; 'a noble and lofty concept'; 'a grand purpose'
exalted, lofty, noble-minded, high-minded, idealistic, rarefied, rarified, elevated, high-flown, grand
noble - having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character; 'a noble spirit'; 'noble deeds'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.noble, magnificent, glorious, high, great, grand, imposing, elevated, eminent, majestic, lofty, exalted, transcendentthe sublime beauty of nature
nobleordinary, commonplace, mundane, bad, poor, ridiculous, lowly, complete, utter, supreme, extreme, consummateThe administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary.
'It is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous' [Napoleon Bonaparte]
'The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime, makes the ridiculous; and one step above the ridiculous, makes the sublime again' [Thomas Paine The Age of Reason]
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Sublime Text Definition

adjectiveLarge and impressive in size, scope, or extent:

Sublime Definition In Literature

august, baronial, grand, grandiose, imposing, lordly, magnific, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, regal, royal, splendid, stately, superb.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
göfugur, háleitur, mikilfenglegur


A.ADJsublime (iro) [indifference, contempt] → supremo, total
B.Nthe sublimelo sublime
to go from the sublime to the ridiculouspasar de lo sublime a lo ridículo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= supreme) [indifference, incompetence] → suprêmeoften before n
the sublime → le sublime
to go from the sublime to the ridiculous → passer du sublime au ridicule
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


poetry, beauty, scenery, thoughts, feelingserhaben; achievement, courage, genius alsoüberragend; that's going from the sublime to the ridiculous(inf)das nenne ich tiefsinken(inf)
(iro: = extreme) ignorancevollendet; impertinence, confidenceunglaublich; indifference, contemptherablassend
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1.adj (beauty, emotion, achievement) → sublime; (indifference, contempt) → supremo/a
from the sublime to the ridiculous → dal sublime al grottesco
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(səˈblaim) adjective
of overwhelming greatness, grandeur, beauty etc. subliem مَهيب، نَبيل، رَفيع ، سامٍ възвишен sublime vznešený erhaben sublim υπέροχοςsublime suursugune, ülev حيرت انگيز mahtava sublime נִשגָב उच्च, उत्कष्ट, भव्य, प्रतापी, महान, लोकोत्तर, परम, चरम uzvišen, dostojanstven fenséges mulia göfugur, háleitur, mikilfenglegur sublime 荘厳な 숭고한, 장엄한 didis, taurus, aukštas, iškilus cēls; dižens; grandiozs mengagumkan subliemstorslått, sublimwzniosły, doskonały حیرانونکی sublime sublim возвышенный vznešený, veľkolepý veličasten uzvišen storslagen, sublim สูงส่ง yüce, ulu, yüksek 卓越的,崇高的 величний; грандіозний بر تر، اعلیٰ hùng vĩ, tuyệt vời 卓越的,崇高的
suˈblimely adverb
subliem بصورةٍ رَفيعَه أو نَبيله أو سامِيَه грандиозно sublimemente vznešeně erhaben sublimt υπέροχαsublimemente pidulikult بطرزي حيرت انگيز mahtavasti sublimement בְּאוֹפֶן נִשגָב भव्यता से, महत्तापूर्वक, उत्कृष्टता से uzvišeno, dostojanstveno felségesen, magasztosan secara mulia mikilfenglega in modo sublime 荘厳に 숭고하게, 장엄하게 didžiai, tauriai cēli; diženi; grandiozi dengan mengagumkan subliemstorslått, ytterst, sublimt wzniośle, doskonale, bosko په حیرانونکی ډول sublimemente sublim возвышенно vznešene veličastno uzvišeno storslaget, sublimt อย่างสง่างาม; อย่างสูงส่ง yüce bir şekilde 卓越地,崇高地 велично رفعت کے ساتھ hùng vĩ, tuyệt vời 卓越地,崇高地
suˈblimity (-ˈbli-) noun
subliemheid سُمُو، رَوْعَه، رِفْعَه، نُبْل величие sublimidade vznešenost die Erhabenheit mageløshed μεγαλείοsublimidad pidulikkus حيرت mahtavuus sublimité נִשגָבוּת भव्यता, महत्ता, उत्कृष्टता uzvišenost, plemenitost fenség(esség) kemuliaan mikilfengleiki sublimità 荘厳 숭고, 장엄 taurumas, iškilumas cēlums; diženums kekaguman sublimiteitstorslagenhet wzniosłość, doskonałość, boskość حیرت، حیرانتیا sublimidade sublim, măreţie возвышенность vznešenosť veličastnost uzvišenost storslagenhet, sublimitet ความสง่างาม; ความสูงส่ง yücelik 崇高性 піднесеність; величність برتری sự hùng vĩ, tuyệt vời 崇高性
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